Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

General Requirements:

English Requirements


Certificate Programs             Diploma and Advanced Diploma Programs Degree Programs

Graduate Certificate Programs

Duolingo Minimum score 105 to 110 Minimum score 105 to 110 Minimum score 115 to 120 Minimum score 125 to 130
IELTS Academic Minimum 6.0 with no skill below 5.5 Minimum 6.0 with no skill below 5.5 Minimum 6.5 with no skill below 6.0 Minimum 6.5 with no skill below 6.0
PTE Academic Minimum score 58 Minimum score 58 Minimum score 60 Minimum score 60
TOEFL iBT (including MyBest TOEFL and Home Edition) Minimum 80 with no skill below 20 Minimum 80 with no skill below 20 Minimum 84 with no skill below 21 Minimum 88 with no skill below 22


TOEFL Revised Paper Delivered No skill below 20 No skill below 20 No skill below 21 No skill below 22



Seneca opened in 1966 as part of a provincial initiative to establish an Ontario-wide network of colleges of applied arts and technology providing career-oriented diploma and certificate courses as well as continuing education programs to Ontario communities. The province was responding to the increasing need for sophisticated applied learning as technology continued to change the nature of work and the provincial economy. General education was considered an important element in post-secondary education, and breadth courses continue to be a part of every program. In 2001, the colleges were granted the ability to offer baccalaureate degrees. Seneca is one of five polytechnics that can offer up to 15 percent of its program activity at the degree level.


Application fee: $90



  • September (fall)
  • January (winter)
  • May (summer)



Application Deadline:

Program start date

Application open date

January 2024 February 2023
May 2024 June 2023
September 2024 October 2023


Tuition Fee :

Program Name

Credential Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Year 4

3D Animation (DAN) Graduate Certificate $23,829
Accounting (ACC) Diploma $15,022 $15,398
Accounting & Finance (ACF) Advanced Diploma $15,022 $15,398 $15,752
Accounting & Payroll (APP) Diploma $15,022 $15,398
Acting for Camera & Voice (ACV) Diploma $20,590 $21,105
Advanced Investigations & Enforcement (AIE) Graduate Certificate $15,674
Animation (ANI) Advanced Diploma $19,692 $20,184 $20,648
Art Fundamentals (AFD) Certificate $14,877
Arts & Science – University Transfer (ASU) Diploma $15,022 $15,398


Asset Management (ASM) Graduate Certificate $15,524
Aviation Operations (AVO) Diploma $15,238 $15,619
Aviation Safety (ASE) Advanced Diploma $15,238 $15,619 $15,978
Bachelor of Engineering (Software Engineering) (BSA) Degree $18,285 $18,742 $19,173 $19,556
Behavioural Sciences (BHS) Diploma $15,022 $15,398
Biotechnology – Advanced (BTA) Advanced Diploma $15,238 $15,619 $15,978
Brand Management (BMK) Graduate Certificate $15,022
Broadcasting – Radio (RTVR) Diploma $16,495 $16,907
Broadcasting – Television (RTVT) Diploma $16,495 $16,907
Building Systems Engineering Technician (BTS) Diploma $15,238 $15,619
Business (BBS) Diploma $15,022 $15,398
Business – Insurance (BIN) Diploma $15,022 $15,398


Business – International Business (BUI) Diploma $15,022 $15,398                  –
Business – Marketing (BMT) Diploma $15,167 $15,546
Business Administration – Financial Planning (BAF) Advanced Diploma $15,022 $15,398 $15,752
Business Administration – Human Resources (BHR) Advanced Diploma $15,022 $15,398 $15,752
Business Administration – International Business (BAB) Advanced Diploma $15,022 $15,398 $15,752
Business Administration – Management (BAG) Advanced Diploma $15,022 $15,398 $15,752
Business Administration – Marketing (BAM) Advanced Diploma $15,167 $15,546 $15,904
Business Administration – Purchasing & Supply Management (BAO) Advanced Diploma $15,022 $15,398 $15,752
Business Analytics (BAN) Graduate Certificate $15,524
Business Information Technology (BTT) Graduate Certificate $15,524 $15,912
Business Management – Entrepreneurship & Innovation (BEN) Graduate Certificate $15,524


Chemical Engineering Technology (CHY) Advanced Diploma $15,238 $15,619 $15,978  
Chemical Laboratory Technician (CLT) Diploma $15,238 $15,619
Chemical Laboratory Technology – Pharmaceutical (CLP) Advanced Diploma $15,238 $15,619 $15,978
Child & Youth Care (CYC) Advanced Diploma $15,022 $15,398 $15,752
Civil Engineering Technician (CVL) Diploma $15,238 $15,619
Civil Engineering Technology (CVT) Advanced Diploma $15,238 $15,619 $15,978
Cloud Architecture & Administration (CAA) Graduate Certificate $15,428
Computer Engineering Technology (ECT) Advanced Diploma $15,238 $15,619 $15,978
Computer Programming (CPP) Diploma $15,777 $16,171
Computer Programming & Analysis (CPA) Advanced Diploma $15,238 $15,619 $15,978
Computer Systems Technician (CSN) Diploma $15,238 $15,619



Computer Systems Technology (CTY) Advanced Diploma $15,238 $15,619 $15,978
Cosmetic Techniques & Management (CTM) Diploma $15,167 $15,546
Creative Advertising (CAB) Diploma $15,167 $15,546
Cybersecurity & Threat Management (CYT) Graduate Certificate $15,428
Database Application Developer (DAD) Graduate Certificate $19,407
Documentary & Non-Fiction Media Production (DNM) Graduate Certificate $24,305
Early Childhood Education (ECE) Diploma $15,022 $15,398
Electromechanical Engineering Technology – Automation (EMA) Advanced Diploma $15,238 $15,619 $15,978
Electronics Engineering Technician (EEN) Diploma $15,238 $15,619
Electronics Engineering Technology (EET) Advanced Diploma $15,238 $15,619 $15,978
Environmental Landscape Management (EVL) Diploma $15,022 $15,398


Environmental Technician (ETM) Diploma $15,238 $15,619             –
Environmental Technology (EMT) Advanced Diploma $15,238 $15,619 $15,978
Esports Marketing Management (EMK) Graduate Certificate $15,022
Esthetician (EST) Diploma $15,167 $15,546
Esthetics & Medical Spa Therapies (MST) Advanced Diploma $15,167 $15,546 $15,904
Event & Media Production (EMP) Diploma $15,167 $15,546
Event Management – Creative Design (EVC) Graduate Certificate $15,167
Fashion Arts (FAA) Advanced Diploma $15,167 $15,546 $15,904
Fashion Business (FAB) Diploma $15,167 $15,546
Fashion Business Management (FBM) Advanced Diploma $15,167 $15,546 $15,904
Fashion Studies (FST) Certificate $14,877
Financial Planning (FIP) Graduate Certificate $15,524
Financial Services – Client Services (FSA) Diploma $15,022 $15,398


Financial Services Compliance Administration (FCA) Graduate Certificate $15,524               –
Financial Technology (FNT) Graduate Certificate $15,524
Fire Protection Engineering Technician (FPN) Diploma $15,238 $15,619
Fire Protection Engineering Technology (FPT) Advanced Diploma $15,238 $15,619 $15,978
Fitness & Health Promotion (FHP) Diploma $15,022 $15,398
Flight Services (FLS) Certificate $15,095
Flight Services – Operations & Cabin Management (FSO) Diploma $15,022 $15,398
Floral Design (FDN) Certificate $14,877
Fraud Examination & Forensic Accounting (FEA) Graduate Certificate $15,524
Game Art & Animation (GAA) Graduate Certificate $23,829
General Arts – English for Academic Purposes (GEA) Certificate $15,095


General Arts – One Year Certificate (GAP) Certificate $15,095
Global Business Management (GBG) Graduate Certificate $14,374 $14,733
Global Hospitality Business Development (GBD) Graduate Certificate $15,524
Global Hospitality Operations Management (GOM) Graduate Certificate $15,524
Global Hospitality Sustainable Leadership (GHL) Graduate Certificate $14,374
Government Relations (GRM) Graduate Certificate $15,022
Graphic Design (GRA) Advanced Diploma $16,239 $16,645 $17,028
Honours Bachelor of Behavioural Psychology (BBP) Degree $17,834 $18,280 $18,700 $19,074
Honours Bachelor of Child Development (BCD) Degree $17,834 $18,280 $18,700 $19,074
Honours Bachelor of Commerce – Accounting & Finance (BACF) Degree $17,927 $18,375 $18,798 $19,174


Honours Bachelor of Commerce – Business Management (BBM) Degree $17,927 $18,375 $18,798 $19,174
Honours Bachelor of Commerce – Business Technology Management (BTM) Degree $18,285 $18,742 $19,173 $19,556
Honours Bachelor of Commerce – Human Resources Management (BHRM) Degree $17,927 $18,375 $18,798 $19,174
Honours Bachelor of Commerce – International Business Management (BMI) Degree $17,927 $18,375 $18,798 $19,174
Honours Bachelor of Commerce – Marketing (BMRK) Degree $17,927 $18,375 $18,798 $19,174
Honours Bachelor of Communications & Media (BCMM) Degree $17,927 $18,375 $18,798 $19,174
Honours Bachelor of Community Mental Health (BMHA) Degree $17,834 $18,280 $18,700 $19,074
Honours Bachelor of Crime & Intelligence Analysis (CIA) Degree $17,834 $18,280 $18,700 $19,074


Honours Bachelor of Data Science and Analytics (DSA) Degree $18,285 $18,742 $19,173 $19,556
Honours Bachelor of Design in Interactive Media (BDI) Degree $17,927 $18,375 $18,798 $19,174
Honours Bachelor of Healthcare Management (BHAD) Degree $17,834 $18,280 $18,700 $19,074
Honours Bachelor of Information Technology Design and Management (BDM) Degree $18,285 $18,742 $19,173 $19,556
Honours Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (INS) Degree $16,698 $17,115 $17,509 $17,859
Honours Bachelor of Science – Biotechnology (BBTA) Degree $18,285 $18,742 $19,173 $19,556
Honours Bachelor of Technology – Informatics and Security (IFS) Degree $18,285 $18,742 $19,173 $19,556
Honours Bachelor of Technology – Software Development (BSD) Degree $18,285 $18,742 $19,173 $19,556
Honours Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation (DTR) Degree $17,834 $18,280 $18,700 $19,074


Hospitality – Hotel & Restaurant Services Management (HTM) Diploma $15,022 $15,398  
Hospitality Foundations (HFC) Certificate $15,095
Human Resources Management (HRM) Graduate Certificate $15,524
Illustration (ILS) Diploma $19,104 $19,582
Immigration Case Management (ICM) Graduate Certificate $15,524
Independent Music Production (IMP) Certificate $19,603
Independent Songwriting & Performance (IPS) Certificate $19,603
Infant & Early Child Mental Health (IMH) Graduate Certificate $15,674
Interactive Media Design (INM) Diploma $16,084 $16,486
International Business Management (IBS) Graduate Certificate $15,524
International Transportation & Customs (TCS) Diploma $15,022 $15,398
Journalism (JRN) Diploma $15,167 $15,546


Law Clerk (LCK) Diploma $15,022 $15,398
Law Clerk (Accelerated) (LCKA) Diploma $15,022 $15,398
Liberal Arts University Transfer (LAT) Diploma $15,022 $15,398
Library & Information Technician (LIT) Diploma $15,022 $15,398
Marketing Management (MKM) Graduate Certificate $15,022
Mechanical Engineering Technician (Tool Design) (MATD) Diploma $15,238 $15,619
Mechanical Engineering Technology – Building Sciences (MBT) Advanced Diploma $15,238 $15,619 $15,978
Mechanical Engineering Technology – Industrial Design (MIT) Advanced Diploma $15,238 $15,619 $15,978
Mechanical Technician – CNC Programming (MTCP) Diploma $15,238 $15,619
Mechanical Techniques (Tool & Die/Mould Making) (MATT) Certificate $15,167
Mental Health Intervention (MHI) Graduate Certificate $17,121


Non-Profit & Social Sector Management (NPM) Graduate Certificate $15,524  
Office Administration – Executive* (EXS) Diploma $20,029 $10,265
Office Administration – Health Services* (MES) Diploma $20,029 $10,265
Office Administration – Legal* (LES) Diploma $20,029 $10,265
Opticianry (OPTC) Diploma $19,811 $20,306
Personal Support Worker (PSWC) Certificate $15,022
Photography (PHO) Diploma $15,167 $15,546
Police Foundations (LAW) Diploma $15,022 $15,398
Pre-Business (PBS) Certificate $15,095
Professional Accounting Practice*** (PRA) Graduate Certificate $23,286
Professional Selling (PSL) Graduate Certificate $15,022
Project Management – Environmental (PME) Graduate Certificate $15,428
Project Management – Information Technology (PMC) Graduate Certificate $17,601


Public Relations – Corporate Communications (PRC) Graduate Certificate $15,022  
Real Property Administration (Assessment & Appraisal) (RPA) Diploma $15,022 $15,398
Recreation & Leisure Services (RLS) Diploma $15,022 $15,398
Social Media (SMD) Graduate Certificate $15,022
Social Service Worker (SSW) Diploma $15,022 $15,398
Social Service Worker – Gerontology (SSWG) Diploma $15,022 $15,398
Social Service Worker – Immigrants and Refugees (SSWI) Diploma $15,022 $15,398
Social Service Worker – Immigrants and Refugees (Accelerated)* (SSIA) Diploma $15,022 $7,699
Sports, Entertainment & Event Marketing (SEM) Graduate Certificate $15,022
Supply Chain Management – Global Logistics (SCM) Graduate Certificate $15,524


Sustainable Business Management (SMB) Graduate Certificate $15,524                    –
Sustainable Urban & Transportation Planning (UBS) Graduate Certificate $15,428
Technical Communication (TEC) Graduate Certificate $15,022
Tourism – Services Management – Global Tourism Business Specialization (GTB) Diploma $15,022 $15,398
Tourism – Services Management – Travel Services Specialization (TIS) Diploma $15,022 $15,398
Tourism – Travel Operations (TTO) Certificate $15,095
Visual Effects for Film & Television (VFT) Graduate Certificate $23,829
Visual Merchandising Arts (VMA) Diploma $15,167 $15,546
Workplace Safety & Prevention (WSP) Diploma $15,022 $15,398